Best of the Month November 2015
A recap of my most popular posts from November 2015.
I'm finally back after my winter/holiday break from blogging. It was great to turn off the computer and just relax. Now that the holidays are over I'm back and it's time for my best of the month November. It's interesting to note all of my most popular recipes, from this month, are vegetarian.
All #vegetarian recipes are my BestoftheMonth Nov 2015 [Tweet this]
Baca Juga
2013's best of November:
Black Bean Soup
A creamy, flavorful, and meatless soup made with black beans and spices. Filling enough for an entree. Now has 926 views, 73 +1s, and 34 'yums'.
BlackBean #Soup: BestoftheMonth Nov 2013 [Tweet this]
Green Pea Soup
Healthy and easy, frozen, green peas pureed in a flavorful broth for a creamy and delicious, vibrant green, soup. Now has 612 views, 40 +1s, and 6 'yums'.
GreenPeaSoup #vegan: BestoftheMonth Nov 2014 [Tweet this]
Parmesan and Garlic Roasted Broccoli
A deliciously simple vegetable side of roasted broccoli flavored with parmesan, garlic and a dash of lemon juice. This is a re-post of the same recipe from 2013. It only had 58 views and now it has 1230 views 103 +1s, and 366 'yums'. It's one of my favorite vegetable side dishes.
Parmesan&GarlicRoastedBroccoli #veggiesides: BestoftheMonth Nov 2015 [Tweet this]
A Simple side dish of mashed sweet potatoes with coconut oil. That's it and it is delicious. This is another re-post recipe from 2013. It now has 655 views and 68 +1s, and 35 'yums'.
MashedSweetPotatoes w/CoconutOil #veggiesides: BestoftheMonth Nov 2015 [Tweet this]
Crispy green beans in a honey mustard vinaigrette with sliced almonds. A simple and quick vegetable side for any meal. Another re-post from 2013. Now has 497 views, 35 +1s, and 13 'yums'.
GreenBeanSalad #veggiesides: BestoftheMonth Nov 2015 [Tweet this]
Young soybeans, in the pod, sauteed in ginger, garlic, soy sauce, and sriracha. A spicy, salty, and nutritious snack. 490 views, 38 +1s, and 71 'yums'.
Spicy Edamame #healthysnacks: BestoftheMonth Nov 2015 [Tweet this]
A vegetarian rice noodle salad with vegetables, herbs, and sweet and salty baked tofu. 258 views, 46 +1s, 7 'yums'.
HoisinBakedTofuVermicelli #vegetarian: BestoftheMonth Nov 2015 [Tweet this]
Linked to: J&J, Lou lou girls, whimsy, wonderful, Tickle my Tastebuds, full plate, Freedom, Pretty Pintastic, Best of the Weekend
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