
Coriander and Pepper Crusted Pork Chops

Pork chops were not  a regular dinner menu in our house growing up, being an islander, we love our freshly caught Tuna and Sardines from the fish market every morning. But occasionally on Saturday's, my mom would stop at the butcher down the road and pick up a good center cut pork for making a roast or a stew.

My favorite is always the grilled coriander /pepper crusted pork chops. Those days, specialty food like Dijon mustard, ketchup were not readily available in all stores.

We had to make most ingredients like mustard paste from scratch, it was lot of work but they were always freshly made from local organic spices. We would marinade it overnight to absorb the flavors and grill it in on the wood fired clay oven outside.

After few minutes in high heat, Pork chops would come out perfectly chard with thin spiced crust, the smoke given by the wood burning also make the chops more flavorful and irresistible. We would all sit outside by the mango trees and eat away the chops with bowl of steamed rice, Chick Pea curry and green beans stir fry, a perfect complement of vegetable

I love re-creating dishes from my family recipes, sharing with my fellow foodies make me re- visit those wonderful memories. I hope you will try this easy to make recipe at home and would love to hear the feed back from you! Keep on cooking!

Preparation: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Yield: 4 servings

4 8-ounce pork chops

1 teaspoon kosher salt

4 teaspoons grainy Dijon mustard

2 tablespoons coriander powder

1 teaspoon cracked black pepper

1 teaspoon Olive oil


1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Sprinkle the pork chops on both sides with salt.

2. In a small bowl, add mustard, coriander powder, and black pepper and make a paste.

3. Rub the paste onto of both sides, slightly massaging each side.

4, Heat the oil in a large cast-iron skillet over high heat. Add the pork chops and brown for 2 minutes on each side.

5. Put the skillet in the oven and bake until the chops are cooked, about 12 minutes.


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