
Papaya and Stawberry Smoothie

Papaya and Strawberry Smoothie@https://healthygourmetfood.blogspot.com

Summer is here! What a better way to begin the day with super  healthy Papaya and Strawberry smoothie.  Papaya is one of the latest super food craze here , but if you are from a tropical country , its one of many trees you grow in your back yard. Its very easy to grow and low maintenance, you will get papaya all year around. I remember  plucking Papaya from our backyard for either make a salad or just eat it as fruit. It's mildly sweet and  very light in texture, just taste more like a melon.

You can find the Papaya's in most supermarkets under the  fresh produce section. But not all chain stores carry it, I get mine from Whole Food, they are freshly imported from Mexico. The key to get choose a good papaya is to look for a medium ripen, firm bodied one, you can see little bit of yellowish spots in the skin of the fruit. In a good summer day, it will be fully ripen in next day and when you open it will be beautifully dark orange.

Papaya is known to improve the digestion due to special digestive enzyme called 'papain', it specially helps people with constipation and other symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

 It has  rich antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, flavonoids and vitamin C, as well as vitamin B (folate and pantothenic acid) are beneficial to maintain a healthy heart and overall good immune system.  Now that we know Papaya is healthy, combining with fruit like strawberry will give your all the antioxidant you need to start your day. If smoothie is not your thing, you can easily add shot of Tequila and make a tropical cocktail out of it and sip it by the pool. :)


1 cup papaya ( seeded and diced)

1/2 cup sliced strawberries

2 tbs honey

1 banana sliced


1.Blend all ingredients together until smooth.
2.Pour into a glass and garnish with  strawberry /Papaya slice.


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