
Healing Food

There are many healing food mentioned in Nature –cure. This food destroy the root cause of the disease, without any side effects. Some of the commonly available healing food are mentioned below.

 1. The poison Killer : Onion – Most people around the world, take onion in their diet, but very few know about its qualities. The onion are highly beneficial in stomach ailments. Keep on giving away 1 tsp of onion juice to the patient and all his stomach ailment would vanish away within 4 to 5 days.

 In case one is suffering from vomiting, then give 1 tsp of onion juice + 1 tsp of lemon juice after every hour, till the patient feels fine. Onion simply does miracles for stomach ailments. The onion is also applied on the parts of body bitten by poisonous animals. The onion juice with a little honey should be applied with a piece of cotton wool on the affected area. The onion juice does wonders on the bald scalp. The bald ones simply apply onion juice on their bald scalp daily, and they would find new hair growing on their head within few weeks. The teeth troubles could be eliminated by chewing onions daily.
 2. Chubby Ginger – Ginger eliminated gas, acidity constipation and other stomach ailments. It is highly beneficial for asthmatic patients. Asthmatic patient should boil the paste of few ginger pieces and drink that water. It eliminates cough and bronchial Asthma.
 3. Reddish Turmeric – Turmeric is known for it’s properties to kill skin ailments. Many kinds of skin ailment, including eczema can be cured by applying mixture of mustard oil and turmeric it. This mixture can also be applied on burns , cuts and wounds.
 4. Eye Healer Black pepper: Black pepper can cure weak eyesight right from the root. Take one teaspoon of butter, 3 teaspoon of black pepper and three teaspoon of sugar. Mingle them together and take one teaspoon of this solution thrice a day. All sort of weak eye sight problem are cured by this medicine.
 5. The Dental Surgeon : Clove- Clove highly beneficial for tooth problems. In case you suffering from toothache, then keep a piece of clove in your mouth for fifteen minutes, spit out the dirty water from the mouth. You could instantly get relief.
To keep your teeth healthy and strong, buy a clove oil from the market and scrub your teeth with it daily in night, after having the dinner. Your teeth shall remain away from all troublesome diseases.

 This information is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors of Tips for Delicious and Healthy Cooking the author nor publisher take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained in this information. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider.
Be Happy And Stay Healthy.

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