
Healthy Lifestyle Recipe's Tips and Advice after Bingeing on Chocolate Plus Turkey and Apple Wrap Recipe

Hello everyone!

How was your Easter break?  I personally had a fantastic time - I had a lovely spa weekend away as it was my birthday on Saturday. I was spoilt with massages and beauty treatments, and with plenty of Easter gifts.  The hotel we stayed at, Your Hotel and Spa in Alcobaça made sure I had plenty of birthday cake and chocolate eggs!  By the way, here is the vlog I made of my birthday and Easter weekend away:-

Today, most people are back into the normal swing of things at work.  You may be feeling bloated, spotty and uncomfortable after so much chocolate? I know I am!

It can be seen as part and parcel of the Easter holiday to indulge in treats including hot cross buns, chocs and Easter eggs.  This means, like me, you may be on a bit of a sugar comedown this week. Fear not! You can reverse the effects of the Easter binge.  Here are my tips on how to do just that:-

1) Try and fit in at least one light meal per day over the next week.  You could try a soup or a healthy salad, or indeed even a turkey protein wrap.  This is a new recipe I have released this week especially for the Easter comedown. I have chosen it especially because of its high vegetable and protein content, helping to clean up your digestive tract.  You will notice I also served it with a large portion of peas!  Here is the video of it, detailing the cooking method. A list of ingredients and their quantities is below:-

500g lean turkey breast mince
4 tbsp unsweetened apple sauce
2x egg whites
1 pepper
1 celery stick
1 red onion
4 cloves of garlic
water in a jug on standby to add if it gets dry or starts to catch
1 teaspoon of turmeric
salt and pepper

2) In addition to a light meal, it is good for your digestion to go for a few hours every day without eating, to give your stomach a rest and let it work.  This means for the rest of this week, at least, try your hardest to avoid all snacking.

3) Switch all of your liquid calories for water and herbal teas. I'm sure you do anyway, but make sure you stay away from the juices and sodas! You need to communicate with your body that it's the end to the rich foods it has become used to.

And my fourth and final tip is possibly the hardest...if you're serious about stopping the Easter binge and giving yourself a health treat, you need to clear out the left-over uneaten Easter snacks.  Like me, if it's in the house, you'll probably eat it!  You could always give it to someone else as a gift.  It is empowering to take control of your environment and stock up the kitchen with healthy, nutritious foods.

I would love to hear what you think about the advice on the page and the recipe - you can DM me on myoutube channelmy Instagram page, my facebook page, my pinterest page and my twitter account.   

Stay healthy,

Love Lou X

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